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Maulana ubaidullah sindhi was a great political, religious and revolutionary scholar of sub continent. He rendered limitless contribution for independence of Muslim. Owing to his efforts, he is known by each and every Muslim. He visited place to place for motivating Muslims in order to tell them about their basic rights. He raised his voice against British government and tried his level best for uniting Muslims of world. Not merely he played vital role in imparting religious education but also make aware Muslims of importance of jihad. He also worked for an organization which was known as “Jamiat-ul-Ansar”. Apart from this, he did so many other works which were in favor of Muslims. He was also fond of seeking knowledge. That is why; he sought knowledge not only in birth place but also in well-known Islamic institution like DAR UL ULOOM DEOBAND. In this institution, he was learnt about golden tenets of Islam. Before mentioning his contribution, it is pertinent to throw light on his biography.
Early Life:
Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi was born on 10th of March, 1872 at Sialkot. In his childhood, he was belonged to a Sikh family. His early name was BOOTA SINGH. His father’s name was Ram Singh, on the other hand, his mother’s name was PRAIM KAUR. Before his birth, his father died and he was brought up by his grandfather and his mother. After death of his grandfather, he was nourished by his maternal grandfather at jampur where he received primary education which was based on secular education. In his childhood, he used to respect all sorts of religions and was keen interested in knowing the rules of various religions. When he became a posthumous child, he never disappointed. He faced all kinds of troubles and removed hurdles with unshakeable confidence and strong determination.
At the age of sixteen, he embraced Islam in august 1887. The force which attracted sindhi’s attention was the books of Muslim scholars. Those books were TAQWIAT-AL-IMAM written by SHAH ISMAIL and the second book was AHWAL-AL-AKHIRAH. Besides, the first book which was given to sindhi by a hindu friend was “Tuhfatul Hind”. This book was written by Maulana Ubaidullah of Malerkotla. Due to this book, ample love for becoming Muslim began to create in sindhi’s heart. With the passage of time, he kept himself in touch with Muslim scholars. After entering in the fold of Islam, he left his home and went to BHARCHUNDI (A TOWN in district ghotki sindh).he became a disciple of hafiz Muhammad sadique who was great sufi saint of his time. Owing to limitless love given by his murshid, he added the word “sindhi” at end of his name. After passing four months, he was permitted by his murshid for getting higher Islamic education at DAR AL ULOOM DEOBAND. Maulana sindhi got admission in dar ul uloom deoband in the month of SAFAR1306 A.H. October he became a man of versatile genius and he paid proper heed on his education. Within a short span of time, he learnt logic, Arabic, Grammar and Philosophy. He also became a brilliant student of sheikh al HIND, Hazrat maulana Mahmud Hassan. After getting education atDeoband, Rampur, Gangosh and DEHLI, he got back to sindh and started teaching at AMROT SHARIF.
Role in Pan Islamism
Slowly and gradually, he entered himself in pan Islamic movement. He wanted to bring Muslims out of thick blanket of darkness and depression. He tried tooth and nail for bringing Muslims under one umbrella for demanding separate state .He played great role in “Jamiat-ul-Ansar”. When he went to Delhi for the promotion of the value of this organization, he gave top priority to youth and instilled the spirit of jihad into their minds.
Moreover, he also went to AFGHANISTAN in order to seek help from them. During the First World War, Maulana sahib told Afghanistan’s government that Muslims are victimized by British and Indians. So, I came here to launch jihad against both these influential communities. He made aware to Afghani people of the importance of geo-strategic position of Afghanistan. After a few a years, Sindhi presented a memorandum to SHAIKH MUHAMMAD IBRAHIM. The salient feature of the memorandum was that it presented maulana as a Muslim freedom fighter from India who stood for the cause of Hindus as well as Muslims of the sub-continent. He also formed an organization by the name of “JUNUD ALLAH” in sher bazaar. Besides, in 1915, provisional government of India was formed by Raja Mahendra Pratap, maulana sindhi also joined it.
Furthermore, maulana ubaidullah sindhi went to Russia. he lived there nearly five to six month. The purpose of going to Russia was the invitation of SOVIET leadership. Maulana sahib was treated in a good manner.while staying there; he studied the ideology of socialism. He wanted to meet with Lenin but due to illness of lenin, mualana sindhi could not meet him. After studying theory of socialism, he was impressed by that ideology.
In addition, he had left Russia for turkey in he started the third phase of shah Waliullah’s philosophy and movement. from Istanbul, he published charter for the independence of India.
He contended that without the support of the communists they would not be able to get food in Russia, as it was not possible for a religious leader, or even an ordinary follower of any religion to stay in Russia. So, he made cordial relations with Russians, so that maulana sahib and his company may lead their life in a appropriate manner. With the passage of time the Russian government officials and a Bengali Hindu M.N. roy who was the president of Indian communist party, sent Khushi mohammad to maulana sindhi with the suggestion that he should send for admission some young colligates of his party to Eastern University of Moscow.
Apart from this, he went to Hejaz in order to get religious education. He also imparted the philosophy of hazrat shah waliullah and his son Hazrat shah Ismail Shaheed. He lived there approximately thirteen years and return to sub-continent.
Retur to India
According to some historians, the experiences of Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi had acquired in the last twenty five years he now wanted to convey the Muslims at large. He was dismayed by the improper behavior of people of Hejaz because they did not value his philosophy and knowledge.
Owing to efforts of the congress government of sindh, headed by K.B Allah Bux Soomro that Indian national congress had succeeded in getting permission of maulana. Maulana sahib reached Karachi on the morning of 7th march 1939. The members of sindh assembly and khan Bahadur Allah Bux Soomro warmly welcome him.
He was suffering from acute diarrhea and was under medical treatment. in spite of being ill, he presided over a conference of student federation at Hyderabad. As life is mortal so Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi left this world in 1944 and his grave is located at Rahimyar khan district.